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font licensing

Fonts are software, and in most cases the basic license covers use on 5 CPUs and one output device. If your needs are greater than the manufacturer’s basic license you will need to obtain a multi-user or site license. If you are uncertain about the legal status of any of the fonts on your network contact us for advice.

Fonts – A Cohesive Company Policy
If, in the past, your organisation has tended to acquire type in an ad-hoc, piecemeal fashion, you may not be aware of the advantages of having a cohesive company policy on fonts. Such a policy would allow you to know exactly which fonts you have and where they are. It would mean that all your fonts operate to the highest technical standard and are fully compatible with each other. It would also ensure that your use of fonts is in full compliance with all current licensing regulations.

The Benefits Of Organising Your Fonts
The benefits are obvious. You make savings on both cost and manhours. You enjoy the convenience of the best fonts for your needs and, critically, you have the peace of mind of knowing you are meeting all legal obligations.

How We Can Help – The Auditing Process
We can get you started with an automated on-site audit of your organisation's network. This will enable us to find out which fonts you have and where they are located. We can then check the fonts you have against those for which you have proof of purchase. All this information is then factored into a report advising you on how to rationalise and fully optimise your type.

Stay Organised – A Complete Font Management Service
Once the audit is finished we also offer a complete font management service; holding and updating your records, so you can keep track of all the fonts you've bought (from us and elsewhere) and ensure continuing legal compliance. Why not open an Online Credit Account with us and you'll have a permanent record of all your purchases any time you need it.

What we can advise you on, and prepare a quote for:
• Your font purchasing and installation policy
• Use of fonts off-site and on laptops
• Freelance and 3rd party usage
• End User License Agreements from each manufacturer
• Extending or upgrading your existing license
• Worldwide and Corporate Licenses for greater flexibility
• Embedding licenses for commercial usage
• OEM Licensing; bundling or embedding fonts into your product

Corporate Licenses – greater flexibility for less
For larger organisations with multiple sites and offices all over the world the neatest and most cost-effective solution is to purchase a Corporate License. This option allows far greater freedom of use, licensing both company personnel and associated 3rd parties such as advertising agencies, design consultancies and other suppliers.


How do I go about licensing my fonts?

Simply contact us to discuss your needs. We have years of experience in all facets of font licensing and will be able to assist you no matter how large or small the requirement. Font licensing can be a complex area but our expertise will steer you in the right direction and save you both time and money.

Call +44 (0)1242 285 100 or email sales@fontshop.co.uk for prompt service.


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