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Chinese, Japanese & Korean Fonts

Chinese, Japanese & Korean (CJK) Fonts - Asian Font Solutions

We are very excited to announce the broad availability of Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts from one of the World's leading producers of Asian fonts and technology - DynaComware. DynaComware have a vast library of over 500 high quality Traditional Chinese fonts, Simplified Chinese fonts, Japanese fonts and Korean fonts, many of these are available now for purchase and download - please see links below.

Since 1987, DynaComware has been the leading font developer and vendor of Chinese fonts, Japanese fonts and Korean fonts for the Asian market and has been providing the likes of Microsoft and Apple with Chinese system fonts for their Chinese operating systems since the mid 1990's.

The DynaComware library contains the following popular CJK font families: DF Hei Traditional Chinese, DF Li Hei Traditional Chinese, DFP Hei Simplified Chinese, DFP Song Simplified Chinese, DF Gothic Japanese, DFHS Gothic Japanese, DFHS Mincho Japanese, DFK Gothic Korean and DFK Mincho Korean.

There are two types of Chinese fonts - Traditional and Simplified. Traditional Chinese characters are more intricate than Simplified Chinese with more strokes being used in their composition.

Simplified Chinese was introduced in the early 1950's as part of a simplification movement to make the printing of Chinese easier and to improve literacy. The structure of Simplified Chinese character shapes were changed to use fewer strokes and components and the number of character variants was vastly reduced, this has helped to make the use and application of Chinese much easier in all forms of media.

Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese composing systems are both widely used and the demand for both Traditional Chinese fonts and Simplified Chinese fonts has seen the introduction of many contemporary interpretations and designs. Fonts such as DF Hei Traditional Chinese and DF Li Hei Traditional Chinese have become known as the ‘Chinese Helvetica’ as they have geometric stroke shapes and make a perfect match for use alongside latin sans serif fonts.

If you are looking for a sans serif Japanese font companion, DF Gothic Japanese and DFHS Gothic Japanese are popular choices again due to their more geometric shape and structure.

We can also supply Chinese fonts from the China Type foundry.

For more information about Chinese fonts, Japanese fonts or Korean fonts and any extended licensing requirements, please email sales@fontshop.co.uk, call us on ++44 (0) 1242 285 100 or use the contact form on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you.

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